Well lets face it, The big vintage and antique jewelry rage has sure taken a big turn towards the sky. A few years ago most of this stuff was classified as old junk. Now jewelry collectors and sellers find it hard to push our way through the crowded jewelry tables at flea markets and yard sales. The bidding at auctions is downright catfighting and ebay vintage jewelry stores are making bigger profits. Brooches and Rings are flying while furniture and dinnerwares look like there standing still.
In today's tough economy it's hard to buy the diamond's and gold all shiny and new at the high end jewelry stores, so have we resorted to vintage and second-hand jewelry as our taste for luxury? I wonder.

Hi and Welcome to my blog about fanciful vintage jewelry, antiques, and some of the treasures I have found in my various hunts for riches from bygone eras. We offer the best in vintage collectables, pottery, glass and rare antiques you may find. The Old Junk Trunk has a veritable treasure trove of gorgeous rhinestones brooches, vintage hats, handbags and vintage fashion accessories to offer. www.theoldjunktrunk.ca
That's true, a few years ago none of my friends owned any vintage items and today even want vintage engagement rings. I admit I'm into it too :) I love vintage and antique jewelry.